All about TCM

Therapy methods

For the application of each method, a diagnosis oriented to TCM is an important prerequisite.


Herbal therapy
Chinese medicinal therapy mainly uses plants, but also minerals and animal products. The classic recipes consist of these “herbs”, that have been tried and tested for hundreds of years and are used as a decoction, powder, pills or alcoholic extracts in a variety of health disorders.

The mixtures are put together individually and can consist of modifications of the classic recipes. Herbal therapy replenishes the state of emptiness, relieves states of fullness, harmonises the qi-flow or rejects morbid factors. Often a combination with other methods is useful, such as acupuncture.

Herbal therapy has a therapeutically central position in many indications. Therefore, it’s used very often

Acupuncture specifically influences bodily functions. The precise piercing of fine needles at precisely defined areas balances the Qi circulation of the body. The organ systems are stimulated, regulated or subdued, which activates self-healing. The acupuncture points lie on a network known as the meridian system, which connects the body surface with the internal organs.

In moxibustion (“moxa” for short) individual acupuncture points are heated by the burning off of moxa wool (mug wort wool, Latin: artemisiae vulgaris). The physical heat promotes blood circulation, while the energetic heat penetrates deep into the body and banishes cold as a disease-causing factor. Hereby the Qi circulation is strongly stimulated. Moxa is commonly used by acute or chronic pain.

Ear acupuncture
Ear acupuncture can be understood well through western neurophysiological models and was developed by the Frenchman Paul Nogier (1908-1996), who practiced in Lyon. A Chinese, parallel existing model corresponds with that of Nogier to a great extent. Ear acupuncture is primarily used to treat pain and disorders in the autonomic nervous system. Ear acupuncture and body acupuncture are often used in combination.

Tui Na | An Mo | Manuel therapies
Tui Na is one of the oldest therapy methods ever. Massage techniques stimulate acupuncture points and the qi flow in the meridians. Hereby blockages in the meridian system are eliminated. This method especially treats disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

When cupping, glasses are placed on the skin with vacuum. The vacuum draws blood cells from the vessels into the surrounding tissue, which is recognizable by the red-blue discoloration of the skin. Since these cells don’t belong there, a strong “repair process” is triggered as a therapeutic effect. Cupping is used against muscle tensions, colds or muscle aches.

In Chinese dietetics, the material composition of the food, as well as their energetic properties are taken into account. It serves both the prevention of diseases and the therapeutic accompaniment.

Tai Chi | Chi Gong
In daily practice, the physical movement of silence (shadow boxing / Tai Chi) and mental concentration (Chi Gong- English: chi-work) maintain the flow of Qi, preventing diseases. After introductory courses Tai Chi and Chi Gong can be practiced at home.